COMFORT IN TRIALS £­ By the Lord's Care

1.Cast thou thy care upon the Lord,
The care that loads thy heart;
Take Him this moment at His word,
And let Him do His part.
2.The need is deep, the care is great,
The burden hard to bear;
Roll it on Him with all its weight,
And leave it resting there.
3.This heavy thing, it is His gift,
His portion, thee to bless;
Give it Him back; what He shall lift
No more on thee shall press.
4.Cast all thy care, and not a part,
The great things and the small;
The Lord's all-loving, mighty heart
Has room and thought for all.
5.Yes, He will ponder every care,
Consider each detail;
Thyself, thy burden, let Him bear;
He will not, cannot, fail.