COMFORT IN TRIALS £­ By the Lord's Providing

1.In some way or other the Lord will
It may not be my way, it may not be
thy way;
And yet in His own way, "the Lord will
Then we'll trust in the Lord, and He
will provide;
Yes, we'll trust in the Lord, and He
will provide.
2.At some time or other the Lord will
It may not be my time, it may not be
thy time;
And yet in His own time, "the Lord
will provide."
3.Despond then no longer; the Lord will
And this be the token-no word He
hath spoken
Was ever yet broken: "The Lord will
4.March on then right boldly: the sea
shall divide;
The pathway made glorious, with
shoutings victorious,
We'll join in the chorus, "The Lord
will provide."