CONSECRATION £­ Constrained by the Lord's Love

1.Thy Life was giv'n for me,
Thy blood, O Lord, was shed,
That I might ransomed be,
And quickened from the dead;
Thy Life was giv'n for me, for me;
What have I giv'n for Thee?
2.Long years were spent for me
In weariness and woe,
That through eternity
Thy glory I might know;
Long years were spent for me, for me;
Have I spent one for Thee?
3.Thy Father's home of light,
Thy rainbow-circled throne,
Were left for earthly night,
For wanderings sad and lone;
Yea, all was left for me, for me;
Have I left aught for Thee?
4.Thou, Lord, hast borne for me
More than my tongue can tell
Of bitterest agony,
To rescue me from hell;
Thou suff'redst all for me, for me;
What have I borne for Thee?
5.And Thou hast brought to me
Down from Thy home above
Salvation full and free,
Thy pardon and Thy love;
Great gifts, great gifts Thou broughtest me;
What have I brought to Thee?
6.Oh, let my life be given,
My years for Thee be spent;
World-fetters all be riven,
And joy with suff'ring blent;
Thou gav'st Thyself for me, for me,
I give myself to Thee.