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DIVINE HEALING £ Christ the Same as of Old
| 1. | When Christ of old with healing pow'r |
| | When forth through all the suffering |
| | land, |
| | His word so oft was wont to be, |
| | 'Stretch forth thy hand, stretch forth |
| | they hand!" |
| | And though the palsied arm might |
| | shrink |
| | And tremble at the strange command, |
| | The healing touch was only felt |
| | While stretching forth the withered |
| | hand. |
| | O suffering one, stretch forth your |
| | hand, |
| | Upon His promise take your stand. |
| | At His command stretch forth your |
| | hand, |
| | And Christ shall make you whole. |
| 2. | That changeless Christ is still as near |
| | And just as kind and strong to save; |
| | He came to lift our fallen race |
| | >From sin and sickness and the grave. |
| | As in the days of Galilee, |
| | Disease still flees at His command; |
| | But ere His touch your frame can feel, |
| | You, too, must still stretch forth your |
| | hand. |
| 3. | What though you feel so weak and |
| | faint? |
| | He can your will with strength endue, |
| | New faith and courage breathe within |
| | And work in you to will and do. |
| | Reach out to meet His quickening |
| | touch; |
| | Take up your bed, arise and stand; |
| | And pressing through to meet your |
| | Lord, |
| | Stretch forth your hand, stretch forth |
| | your hand. |