ENCOURAGEMENT £­ For Feeding on the Lord's Faithfulness

1.Feed on His faithfulness, my soul,
Who chose thee for His own,
Who bears thy name in Love's pure flame
Before the heav'nly throne;
Lay at His feet thy fear,
Thy burdens, thy distress,
Prostate embrace thy Fount of Grace-
Feed on His faithfulness.
2.Feed on His faithfulness, my soul,
Who suffered Calvary,
Who Victor rose o'er all thy foes,
Who lives, who prays, for thee!
Not thine the battle is,
Though close the conflict press;
'Tis His alone who wears the crown-
Feed on His faithfulness.
3.Feed on His faithfulness, my soul,
Then naught shall thee affright;
His perfect will all fear shall still,
His wisdom guide aright.
He slumbers not nor sleeps,
But waits His saints to bless;
Th' eternal Throne is His alone-
Feed on His faithfulness.
4.Feed on His faithfulness, my soul;
So shalt thou see His face,
Transforming thee till all shall see
The glory of His grace;
Closer to His great heart
In glad abandon press;
Fling thy soul down upon His own-
Feed on His faithfulness.