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EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST £ As the Subjective One
| 1. | Objective and subjective Christ is to us, |
| | In heaven He's pleading objectively thus; |
| | Subjectively now in His members He lives |
| | And inwardly to them His being He gives. |
| 2. | In heaven He sits at the right hand of God, |
| | Where as the High Priest He presented His |
| | blood; |
| | Our Advocate, bearing our burdens above, |
| | Our Surety, He careth for us in His love. |
| 3. | He now is the Spirit, our spirit within; |
| | He's there as our life, all things bringing with |
| | Him; |
| | He's there as our strength and our grace every |
| | hour, |
| | Our Paraclete in us, sustaining with pow'r. |
| 4. | In heaven for us He's the glorified man, |
| | The Forerunner entered, fulfilling God's plan; |
| | Man into God bringing and making him one |
| | With God in the heav'nlies, in Him as the Son. |
| 5. | In us all the fulness of God dwells in Him; |
| | As Spirit He brings God Himself thus within, |
| | Revealing and making God real unto us, |
| | God one with us building in life glorious. |
| 6. | The Savior ascending in heaven now dwells, |
| | And soon He's returning for us His Word tells; |
| | Deliverer indwelling, He now in us lives, |
| | And soon will transfigure, His glory to give. |
| 7. | The day soon is coming when heaven and |
| | earth |
| | Will mingle in one in that city of worth; |
| | Objective and subjective will in that day |
| | Be mingled within us in glory for aye. |