EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST £­ Fellowship with Him

1.Through Thy precious body broken-
Inside the veil;
Oh! what words to sinners spoken-
Inside the veil.
Precious as the blood that brought us;
Perfect, as the love that sought us;
Holy, as the Lamb that brought us-
Inside the veil.
2.When we see Thy love unshaken-
Outside the camp.
Scorned by man, by God forsaken-
Outside the camp.
Thy loved cross alone can charm us;
Shame need now no more alarm us;
Glad we follow, nought can harm us-
Outside the camp.
3.Lamb of God, through Thee we enter-
Inside the veil.
Cleansed by Thee, we boldly venture-
Inside the veil.
Not a stain; a new creation:
Ours is such a full salvation;
Low we bow in adoration-
Inside the veil.
4.Unto Thee, the homeless stranger-
Outside the camp,
Forth we hasten, fear no danger-
Outside the camp,
Thy reproach, far richer treasure
Than all Egypt's boasted pleasure;
Drawn by love that know no measure-
Outside the camp,
5.Soon Thy saints shall all be gathered-
Inside the veil
All with Thee-no more be scattered-
Inside the veil
Nought from Thee, our hearts shall sever;
We shall see Thee; grieve Thee never;
"Praise the Lamb!" shall sound forever-
Inside the veil