EXPERIENCE OF GOD £­ By the Spirit as the Transmission

1.God's Spirit His transmission is,
In Him God enters us;
It is in Him that God in Christ
May be experienced by us.
2.God as the Father is the source,
And God the Son doth Him express;
God as the Spirit enters us,
That God as all we may possess.
3.The Father, who is veiled in light,
The Son to man hath fully shown;
The Spirit then transmitteth Him
That He may inwardly be known.
4.The Son within the Father is,
And now the Spirit is the Son.
The Spirit, Son, and Father God
Are now in us and with us one.
5.God as the Father in the Son
Has been embodied and expressed,
And God the Spirit is the Son's
Reality to be possessed.
6.May God the Father's love to us
In God the Son as grace be known,
Thru God the Spirit's fellowship,
That God our portion we may own.