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FULNESS OF THE SPIRIT £ As the Spirit of Life
| 1. | The Holy Spirit is today |
| | The Spirit of the life divine, |
| | He quickens us and gives us life, |
| | And makes us fit for God's design. |
| 2. | As living water quenching thirst |
| | The stream of life He e'er supplies; |
| | Imparting Christ as life divine, |
| | My hungry heart He satisfies. |
| 3. | Enlight'ning with the light of life, |
| | He chases darkness far away; |
| | Imparting Christ as light divine, |
| | He turns for us the night to day. |
| 4. | He strengthens with the pow'r of life |
| | To energize our inner man; |
| | Imparting Christ as strength divine, |
| | He moves within us for God's plan. |
| 5. | By law of life He liberates, |
| | And frees us from the law of sin; |
| | And with the nature all divine |
| | He regulates us from within. |
| 6. | As Spirit of the life divine, |
| | Thru us abundant fruit He bears; |
| | Expressing God-like attributes, |
| | To others Christ in life He shares. |
| 7. | The Spirit ever giving life |
| | Transforms me thus with life divine; |
| | Renewing all my inward parts, |
| | In life He makes Christ's image mine. |
| 8. | Oh, by Thy Spirit, fill me, Lord, |
| | The Spirit of Thy life divine, |
| | And saturate me thoroughly |
| | Till all my life is filled with Thine. |