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HOPE OF GLORY £ The Manifestation of Sons of God
| 1. | For the glorious revelation |
| | Of the sons of God to come, |
| | All the creatures wait, expecting, |
| | That they all may free become. |
| 2. | All creation groans together, |
| | Subject now to vanity, |
| | Looking for their full deliv'rance |
| | >From corruption's slavery. |
| 3. | Even we ourselves are groaning, |
| | Till we reach maturity; |
| | We are growing to adoption, |
| | With Christ in conformity. |
| 4. | 'Tis for this the Spirit groaneth, |
| | That to Christ we be conformed; |
| | All things also work together, |
| | That in life we be transformed. |
| 5. | God will bring us into glory, |
| | We will then be glorified; |
| | Fully saturated with Him, |
| | We'll be wholly sanctified. |
| 6. | To the freedom of this glory, |
| | All creation will be freed; |
| | With the kid shall lie the leopard, |
| | And the cow with bear shall feed. |
| 7. | Heirs with Christ in full adoption, |
| | We'll His heritage possess, |
| | Glorified with Him as brethren, |
| | God's full glory we'll express. |