HOPE OF GLORY £­ Waiting and Watching

1.In the advent light, O Savior,
I am living day by day;
Waiting, working, watching ever,
Knowing Thou are on Thy way.
2.Separated unto Jesus,
Loosed from all the world beside;
Blinded by the advent glory,
Hour by hour would I abide.
3.So from glory unto glory,
Gladdened by the advent ray;
All the path is growing brighter,
Shining unto perfect day.
4.In the advent light to witness
To a dark and dying world;
This the holy ordination;
May His banner be unfurled.
5.In the advent light rejoicing;
Songs of praise along the road
Seem to make the journey shorter,
Mounting upward to our God.
6.He is coming! He is coming!
Pass the heavenly watchword on:
Go ye forth to meet the Bridegroom,
Hail! to God's anointed Son.
7.See the advent glory breaking;
Faith will soon be lost in sight;
Face to face I shall behold Him,
Bathed in His eternal light.