LONGINGS £­ For Christ as Life

1.He died for me that I might live;
I live for Him who died,
My life, my love to Him I give-
Jesus, the Crucified.
O Jesus, my Lord and Savior,
Help me to fully follow Thee
In life and death and loving service,
As Thou hast lived and died for me.
2.He died for me that I might die
To Satan, self, and sin;
O death so deep! O life so high!
Help me to enter in.
3.He lives for me that I may live
As spotless e'en as He;
Savior, to me Thy nature give,
And live Thy life in me.
4.He lives for me that I may give
His love to hearts that pine;
Let me like Him for others live,
And trace His steps divine.