LONGINGS £­ For Christ

1.I need Jesus, my need I now confess;
No friend like Him in times of deep distress;
I need Jesus, the need I gladly own;
Though some may bear their load alone,
Yet I need Jesus.
I need Jesus, I need Jesus,
I need Jesus every day;
Need Him in the sunshine hour,
Need Him when the storm-clouds low'r;
Every day along my way,
Yes, I need Jesus.
2.I need Jesus, I need a friend like Him,
A friend to guide when paths of life are dim;
I need Jesus, when foes my soul assail;
Alone I know I can but fail,
So I need Jesus.
3.1 need Jesus, I need Him to the end;
No one like Him, He is the sinner's friend;
I need Jesus, no other friend will do;
So constant, kind, so strong and true,
Yes, I need Jesus.