LONGINGS £­ For Deliverance form Self

1.Jesus, cast a look on me;
Give me sweet simplicity;
Make me poor, and keep me low,
Seeking only Thee to know.
2.Weaned from all my lordly self,
Weaned from all the miser's pelf,
Weaned from all the scorner's ways,
Weaned from all the lust of praise.
3.All that feeds my busy pride,
Cast it evermore aside;
Bid my will to Thine submit,
Lay me humbly at Thy feet.
4.Make me like a little child,
Of my strength and wisdom spoiled;
Seeing only in Thy light,
Walking only in Thy might;
5.Leaning on Thy loving breast,
Where a weary soul may rest;
Feeling well the peace of God
Flowing from Thy precious blood.
6.In this posture let me live,
And hosannas daily give;
In this temper let me die,
And hosannas ever cry.