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LONGINGS £ For Knowing the Flesh
| 1. | Lord, reveal Thyself to me, |
| | That the flesh I'll fully know; |
| | May Thy grace so work in me, |
| | That in dust I'll lowly bow. |
| | How I long for victory, |
| | Yet, thru all my life, how weak! |
| | Evil things I cannot leave, |
| | Nor can do the good I seek. |
| 2. | Inwardly I want the Lord, |
| | But my conduct hateful is; |
| | Though I would, I cannot change, |
| | O what real bondage 'tis! |
| | By God's law my sin's revealed, |
| | But the law of sin doth bind; |
| | Though I struggle to be free, |
| | No release my soul can find. |
| 3. | Many times I fall and rise, |
| | Oft resolve, and often fail; |
| | Craving vict'ry, I retreat, |
| | And my sad defeat bewail. |
| | Truly I am sold to sin |
| | And completely powerless; |
| | There's no good within my flesh, |
| | All is dark and sinfulness. |
| 4. | Now I know myself in part, |
| | And confess my helplessness; |
| | All my temperament is odd, |
| | All my life corrupted is. |
| | Subtle self I cannot trust, |
| | Nor to fleshly strength can cling; |
| | All my trust and all my hope |
| | Is in Jesus Christ my King. |
| 5. | May the Cross put me to death |
| | That on Christ I may rely; |
| | May His Holy Spirit fill, |
| | That Himself I may apply. |
| | May His death so work in me |
| | Daily deeper than before, |
| | That my self may be destroyed |
| | And His life thru me may pour. |
| 6. | O how bitter is my case! |
| | Who this wretched slave can free, |
| | Who deliver from this death, |
| | To a life of victory? |
| | Jesus shed His blood for me, |
| | Christ is now my holiness; |
| | I receive Him as my life |
| | And my portion measureless. |
| 7. | Now I'm wholly sanctified, |
| | Selfless, I obey His word; |
| | Nevermore to feel ashamed |
| | When I come before the Lord. |
| | How transcendent is this life! |
| | Praise the Lord, He heard my cry |
| | And has made me wholly free. |