1.Ten thousand thanks to Jesus,
Whose life our ransom paid,
Whose blood a full redemption
For all the world has made:
Let every heart adore Him;
Let every creature sing
Ten thousand thanks to Jesus,
Our Savior and our King.
Ten thousand thanks, ten thousand thanks,
We'll praise Him o'er and o'er;
And for the life with Him to live,
Ten thousand thousand more.
2.Ten thousand hearts to Jesus
How gladly would we give;
Ten thousand lives to Jesus,
Had we so long to live;
Ten thousand tongues shall praise Him,
Ten thousand songs ascend
To Him, our blest Redeemer,
To Him, our dearest Friend.
3.Ten thousand thanks to Jesus
For blessings every hour;
Ten thousand times ten thousand,
For love's redeeming pow'r;
And when, He comes in glory
His blessed face we'll see,
His love through endless ages
Our sweetest song shall be.