PRAISE OF THE LORD £­ His All-inclusiveness

This hymn may be shortened by singing only
verses 1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 14, 17, 21 & 22, as marked
with asterisks.
1* Dear Lord, Thou art the Son of God,
His absolute expression;
In Thee God speaks to us today,
Thou art His definition.
2* The impress of God's substance true,
Effulgence of His glory,
Thou even art our God Himself,
In Thee is His full story.
3.By Thee was made, the universe,
Subsisting by Thy merit;
The heir God hath appointed Thee,
That all Thou may inherit.
4.Since Thou hast purged our sins by death,
In heaven Thou art seated,
Till all Thy foes will be subdue
And all God's will completed.
5.A better name than angels have,
>From God Thou didst inherit;
As Son of God to us as life,
Thou now art in the Spirit.
6.Thy kingdom is of righteousness,
Thy throne will stand forever;
God hath in love anointed Thee,
And Thou shalt wax old never.
7* Thou also art a man indeed,
With all our human nature;
By grace Thou tastedst death for us
That we may have Thy stature.
8.With glory and with honor crowned,
All things to Thee are subject,
As Captain of salvation, full,
Thou art thru sufferings perfect.
9* By death the devil Thou hast spoiled,
And from death's bondage freed us;
Thou sanctifiest us in life
And dost to glory speed us.,
10.To us, Thy brethren, Thou art here,
The Father's Name declaring;
Within the Church Thou singest hymns,
God's praises with us sharing.
11* Superior Thou to Moses, Lord,
As to the house the builder;
Thou, our Apostle sent flow God,
Art worthy of more splendor.
12.Thou art our real Joshua,
By Thee the rest we enter;
Our full salvation is of Thee,
Our faith on Thee doth center.
13.Thou art the heav'nly rest -to us,
Now dwelling in our spirit,
For us to enter as the land
And all Thy good inherit.
14* Superior Thou to Aaron too-
Thyself, the offering given,
Thou enteredst, as our Great High Priest,
The holiest place in heaven.
15.Thou art our true Melchisedec,
With endless life in power,
To minister the "bread and wine,"
In every needful hour.
16.Thou art the better sacrifice,
Thru the eternal Spirit,
Once offered unto God for us,
That we may gain Thy merit.
17* A better covenant was made
With Thy dear blood in heaven;
By Thee this sure new testament
To Thy redeemed was given.
18.Thou, art its Maker adequate,
For Thou dost have the merit;
Thou art its Giver competent
That we may all inherit;
19.Its qualified Executor,
By life of resurrection;
Its potent Mediator too,
Fulfilling God's election.
20.Lord, Thou art now within the veil,
As our unique Forerunner,
That by Thy life, without the camp,
We'll in the race be runners.
21* Thou art the Finisher of faith,
As well its Author perfect;
By faith and love we follow Thee,
And e'er to Thee are subject.
22* Unequaled is Thy worth, dear Lord,
And all Thou art we treasure;
Thou art so perfect and complete,
Beyond all human measure.