PRAISE OF THE LORD £­ His Divinity

1.Dear Lord, Thou art the Word of God,
Thou art God's very Son;
Thou art His holy image true,
And with Him ever one.
2. Thou art Thyself the very God,
Thou dost embody Him;
In Thee is manifested God,
And we see God therein.
3.Effulgence of God's glory, Thou,
By Thee God shines on us;
Expression of His substance, Thou,
In Thee He's real to us.
4In Thee God is the life to us,
In Thee He is the light;
In Thee His nature we partake
And with Him we unite.
5.In Thee the grace of God subsists,
God we enjoy in Thee;
His truth in Thee is also found,
His full reality.
6.In Thee God's fulness we receive,
Which fills from grace to grace;
In Thee with God we're mingled here,
Till one in every phase.
7.O Lord our God, we worship Thee,
In Thee we have our all;
Thyself we treasure in our heart,
Thy Name we love to call.