143 |
| 1. | On His Father's throne is seated |
| | Christ the Lord, the living One! |
| | All His toil on earth completed, |
| | All His work for sinners done. |
| | In the glory, in the glory, |
| | See Him-God's eternal Son! |
| 2. | Every knee shall bow before Him, |
| | Every tongue confess His name, |
| | Ransomed myriads shall adore Him, |
| | Who endured the sinner's shame! |
| | >From the glory, from the glory, |
| | God doth now His worth proclaim. |
| 3. | Man, the cross to Him awarded; |
| | Man, the Savior crucified; |
| | This world's judgment stands recorded, |
| | God's own justice satisfied! |
| | By the glory, by the glory, |
| | Christ was claimed on earth who died. |
| 4. | Son of Man, His incarnation |
| | Opened first the tale of grace; |
| | Son of Man, in new creation |
| | Leader of a chosen race! |
| | Well may glory, well may glory, |
| | Give to Him the honored place! |