PRAISE OF THE LORD £­ His Redemption

1.How pleasant is the sound of praise!
It well becomes the saints of God;
Should we refuse our songs to raise,
The stones might tell our shame abroad.
2.For Him Who washed us in His blood,
Let us our sweetest songs prepare;
He sought us wandering far from God,
And now preserves us by His care.
3.One string there is of sweetest tone,
Reserved for sinners saved by grace;
'Tis sacred to one class alone
And touched by one peculiar race.
4.Though angels may with rapture see
How mercy flows in Jesus' blood,
It is not theirs to prove, as we,
The cleansing virtue of this flood.
5.Though angels praise the heavenly King,
And worship Him as God alone,
We can with exultation sing,
"He wears our nature on the throne."
6.Lord, we adore Thy wondrous love,
Which brought Thee here to bleed and die
That Thou lost sinners may restore
And to the Father bring them nigh.