PRAISE OF THE LORD £­ His Suffering

1.Jesus! Source of life eternal!
Jesus, Author of our breath!
Victor o'er the hosts infernal,
By defeat, and shame, and death,
Thou through deepest tribulation
Deigned to pass for our salvation:
Thousand, thousand praises be,
Lord of glory, unto Thee!
2.Thou, O Son of God! wert bearing
Cruel mockings, hatred, scorn;
Thou, the King of glory, wearing,
For our sake, the crown of thorn:
Dying, Thou didst us deliver
>From the chains of sin for ever;
Thousand, thousand praises be,
Precious Savior, unto Thee!
3.All the shame men heaped upon Thee,
Thou didst patiently endure;
Not the pains of death too bitter,
Our redemption to procure:
Wondrous Thy humiliation
To accomplish our salvation:
Thousand, thousand praises be,
Precious Savior, unto Thee!
4.Heart-felt praise and adoration,
Savior, thus to Thee we give:
For Thy life's humiliation,
For Thy death, whereby we live;
All the grief Thou wert enduring,
All the bliss Thou wert securing,
Evermore the theme shall be,
Of thanksgivings, Lord, to Thee.