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PRAISE OF THE LORD £ His Worthiness
| 1. | Jesus, our Lord, with what joy we adore Thee, |
| | Chanting our praise to Thyself on the throne! |
| | Blest in Thy presence, we worship before |
| | Thee, |
| | Own Thou art worthy, and worthy alone. |
| | Lord, Thou art worthy: Lord, Thou art |
| | worthy; |
| | Lord, Thou art worthy, and worthy alone! |
| | Blest in Thy presence, we worship before |
| | Thee, |
| | Own Thou art worthy, and worthy alone! |
| 2. | Verily God, yet become truly human, |
| | Lower than angels to die in our stead; |
| | How has that long promised "Seed of the |
| | woman" |
| | Trod on the serpent and bruisd his head! |
| 3. | How didst Thou humble Thyself to be taken, |
| | Led by Thy creatures and nailed to the cross, |
| | Hated of men, and of God too forsaken, |
| | Shunning not darkness, the curse, and the loss. |
| 4. | How hast Thou triumphed, and triumphed |
| | with glory, |
| | Battled death's forces, rolled back every wave! |
| | Can we refrain then from telling the story? |
| | Lord, Thou art Victor o'er death and the grave. |