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PRAISE OF THE LORD £ Remembrance of Him
| 1. | Through the bread and cup, Lord Jesus, |
| | We Thy death exhibit here; |
| | What Thy love has done reviewing, |
| | All Thy suff'ring we revere. |
| | Bread and cup in separation, |
| | Show that Thou thru death hast gone; |
| | Grateful now, our spirit worships, |
| | And to Thee we give our song. |
| | Thine the cup of suff'ring, |
| | Mine the cup of blessing; |
| | For Thy love in Thy redemption, |
| | Praise we ever sing! |
| 2. | Thou, in love, hast shed Thy blood, Lord, |
| | Bringing us to God in grace, |
| | That from God, not longer severed, |
| | We may ever see His face. |
| | All God's righteousness and glory |
| | Have been fully satisfied; |
| | Thru Thy death's abundant merit |
| | We may now with God abide. |
| 3. | By Thy death the veil was riven, |
| | Opened was the holiest place, |
| | All the barriers have been broken; |
| | We approach the throne of grace, |
| | There receiving grace and mercy, |
| | Thus the timely need to meet, |
| | Drinking as of living water, |
| | Tasting God Himself replete. |
| 4. | Thou in grace hast so redeemed us, |
| | We the priests may be fore'er |
| | To fulfill that holy office, |
| | All God's sweetness thus to share. |
| | Such a blessing, such a mercy, |
| | >From Thy death for us ensue; |
| | We would ever Thee remember |
| | Till with Thee we drink anew. |