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PRAISE OF THE LORD £ Remembrance of Him
| 1. | Gathered round Thyself, Lord Jesus, |
| | We now seek Thy face; |
| | May we know Thy presence with us, |
| | Lord of grace! |
| 2. | Love divine first drew us to Thee, |
| | In our sin and need; |
| | For our sin, in deep compassion, |
| | Thou didst bleed. |
| 3. | Risen Lord, in glory seated, |
| | We are one with Thee; |
| | Thou hast snapt the chains that bound us, |
| | We are free. |
| 4. | Gratefully we Thee remember |
| | As we break the bread, |
| | Symbol of Thy body given |
| | In our stead. |
| 5. | Drink we too "the cup of blessing" |
| | Which Thy love has filled; |
| | Through Thy blood we have redemption |
| | Fears are stilled. |
| 6. | Backward look we, drawn to Calv'ry, |
| | Musing while we sing; |
| | Forward haste we to Thy coming, |
| | Lord and King! |