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PRAYER £ For Revival
| 1. | Revive Thy work, dear Lord! |
| | Thy might arm make bare; |
| | Move in the hearts and wake the souls, |
| | And make Thy presence dear. |
| | Revive Thy work, dear Lord! |
| | And manifest Thy power; |
| | O come upon Thy church as in |
| | The Pentecostal hour. |
| 2. | Revive Thy work, dear Lord! |
| | Disturb this sleep of death; |
| | Quicken the smouldering embers now |
| | By Thine almighty breath. |
| 3. | Revive Thy work, dear Lord! |
| | Create soul-thirst for Thee; |
| | And hungering for the Bread of Life, |
| | O may our spirits be! |
| 4. | Revive Thy work, dear Lord! |
| | And give abounding joy; |
| | O fill our heart with perfect love, |
| | And burn out all alloy! |
| 5. | Revive Thy work, dear Lord! |
| | Repeat Thy deeds of grace; |
| | Thy mighty name be magnified, |
| | To Thee be all the praise. |