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PRAYER £ In the Lord's Name
| 1. | In the mighty Name of Jesus, |
| | When we bow before the throne, |
| | Many deadly foes are vanquished, |
| | Many victories are won. |
| | Mighty Name! Mighty Name! |
| | In that Name alone we win. |
| | Might Name! Mighty Name! |
| | Conquering Satan, death and sin. |
| 2. | When we plead the Mane of Jesus, |
| | Satan and His hosts must flee. |
| | Jesus! Jesus! Precious Jesus! |
| | In Thy Name is victory. |
| 3. | Soon shall come the blessed moment |
| | When the battle shall be won, |
| | When the Mighty Name of Jesus |
| | Shall exalt us to the throne. |