PRAYER £­ In the Spirit

1.Praying always in the spirit,
Never in the flesh or mind!
It this secret we will practise,
God's full presence we will find.
Praying always in the spirit,
Is the secret we are told!
In the spirit, God to contact,
Is the secret we must hold!
2.Praying always in the spirit,
Never by our human thought!
Fellowship with God the Spirit
Only thus to us is brought.
3.Praying always in the spirit,
Thus expressing God's desire;
Staying with the Lord in spirit,
We'll be wholly set afire.
4.Praying always in the spirit,
Even groaning from within,
Thus we utter God's intention
By the Spirit's discipline.
5.Praying always in the spirit,
In the holiest place divine;
It is only in the spirit
God and we in oneness twine.
6.Praying always in the spirit,
'Tis the only way of prayer;
All the fulness of the Godhead
By this secret we may share.