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PRAYER £ The Meaning
| 1. | Prayer is the incense of a holy heart |
| | Rising to God from bruised and broken |
| | things, |
| | When kindled by the Spirit's burning |
| | breath |
| | And upward borne by faith's burning |
| | breath |
| | And upward borne by faith's ascending |
| | wings. |
| 2. | Prayer is the perfume of the plants of |
| | grace, |
| | The flowers of patience, faith, and |
| | suffering love; |
| | Treasured in "vials full of odors |
| | sweet," |
| | God breathes their fragrance in His |
| | courts above. |
| 3. | Prayer is th' ascending vapor which |
| | supplies |
| | The showers of blessing, and the |
| | stream that flows |
| | Through earth's dry places, till on |
| | every side |
| | "The wilderness shall blossom as the |
| | rose." |
| 4. | Prayer is the heavenly telephone that |
| | brings |
| | The distant near, till heaven to earth |
| | comes down, |
| | And in our Father's ear and heart we |
| | may |
| | Our burdens tell and all our sorrows |
| | drown. |
| 5. | Prayer is the wireless telegraph that |
| | sends |
| | Its heart throbs on the ether waves of |
| | heaven; |
| | It finds the heart of God, and back to |
| | earth |
| | The answering thrill to faith and love |
| | are given. |
| 6. | Prayer is the golden pipes the Spirit |
| | fills, |
| | Which feed the lamps of God with oil |
| | divine, |
| | And, as with one accord we wait and |
| | pray, |
| | The Spirit fills, the lamps with |
| | brightness shine. |
| 7. | Prayer is the mightiest force of earth |
| | and heaven, |
| | Prayer is the very dynamite of God; |
| | It moves the hand that all things moves, |
| | and turns |
| | The living wheels that sweep through |
| | earth abroad. |
| 8. | Teach us to pray! Move on our hearts, |
| | O Lord, |
| | Till Thine own passion all our being |
| | move! |
| | Teach us! Pray in us, till our prayer |
| | shall be |
| | Christ in us praying to the Christ |
| | above! |
| 9. | Teach us to pray! Reveal Thy will to |
| | us, |
| | Till Thine own purpose all our being |
| | move! |
| | Teach us! Pray in us, till our prayer |
| | shall be |
| | God in us answering to the God above! |