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SPIRITUAL WARFARE £ Charging Through
| 1. | Charge, soldiers, charge in battle! |
| | The conflict has begun; |
| | Thy battle song triumphant- |
| | 'The victory is won!" |
| | Hell's power must be vanquished |
| | And Satan's forces strewn; |
| | The Captain of the Army |
| | Will come and triumph soon. |
| 2. | Charge, soldiers, charge in battle! |
| | And gaze upon thy Lord; |
| | If thou wilt fight His battle, |
| | The throne is thy reward. |
| | This war is of the spirit, |
| | Not fought on earthly ground; |
| | The Lord well knows the foe is near, |
| | Encircling us around. |
| 3. | Charge, soldiers, charge in battle! |
| | Christ's throne awaiteth thee; |
| | His resurrection power |
| | Will lift thy spirit free. |
| | Through Him thou wilt have power, |
| | The foe to battle down; |
| | Through Him thou wilt the triumph |
| | sing, |
| | And wear the victor's crown. |
| 4. | Charge, soldiers, charge in battle! |
| | Thou shalt ascend the throne; |
| | A feast He is preparing, |
| | How happy thou to own. |
| | With Him we're resurrected |
| | Above the battle din; |
| | Transcending all that binds us, |
| | We're far above in Him. |
| 5. | Charge, soldiers, charge in battle! |
| | Thou art the royal heir; |
| | The Lord from dust did chose thee, |
| | That thou His kingdom share. |
| | Thou hast not part in darkness, |
| | Thy future, O how bright; |
| | With Christ to dwell forever |
| | And in His love delight. |
| 6. | Charge, soldiers, charge in battle! |
| | The kingdom is before; |
| | Upon the peak of Zion |
| | We'll sing, the battle o'er. |
| | The Lamb has won the victory! |
| | The Lamb is on the throne! |
| | With shouts of joy we praise Him, |
| | For He must overcome. |