SPIRITUAL WARFARE £­ Charging Through

1.Charge, soldiers, charge in battle!
The conflict has begun;
Thy battle song triumphant-
'The victory is won!"
Hell's power must be vanquished
And Satan's forces strewn;
The Captain of the Army
Will come and triumph soon.
2.Charge, soldiers, charge in battle!
And gaze upon thy Lord;
If thou wilt fight His battle,
The throne is thy reward.
This war is of the spirit,
Not fought on earthly ground;
The Lord well knows the foe is near,
Encircling us around.
3.Charge, soldiers, charge in battle!
Christ's throne awaiteth thee;
His resurrection power
Will lift thy spirit free.
Through Him thou wilt have power,
The foe to battle down;
Through Him thou wilt the triumph
And wear the victor's crown.
4.Charge, soldiers, charge in battle!
Thou shalt ascend the throne;
A feast He is preparing,
How happy thou to own.
With Him we're resurrected
Above the battle din;
Transcending all that binds us,
We're far above in Him.
5.Charge, soldiers, charge in battle!
Thou art the royal heir;
The Lord from dust did chose thee,
That thou His kingdom share.
Thou hast not part in darkness,
Thy future, O how bright;
With Christ to dwell forever
And in His love delight.
6.Charge, soldiers, charge in battle!
The kingdom is before;
Upon the peak of Zion
We'll sing, the battle o'er.
The Lamb has won the victory!
The Lamb is on the throne!
With shouts of joy we praise Him,
For He must overcome.