STUDY OF THE WORD £­ Knowledge and Life

1.God's own Word must not be taken
Just as knowledge but as life,
Not alone God's thought conveying,
But Himself to us as life;
Not alone God's mind revealing,
But His Christ as life within,
Not alone the teaching giving,
But experience of Him.
2.It is only knowledge to us
If we in the letter read,
But when reading in the spirit
It is truly life indeed.
All the knowledge in the letter
Only brings us into death,
But the Word in spirit taken
Gives to us the quickening breath.
3.It we miss the Lord in Scripture,
It is just as knowledge vain;
But when Christ we touch within it,
Then His life we may obtain.
When we read, the Lord not touching,
'Tis but mental stimulus;
But when Christ we touch by reading,
It becometh life to us.
4.All the knowledge of the Scriptures
Into life must be transformed,
All the mental understanding
In the spirit must be formed;
All the Scriptural understanding
Must become the life received,
All the knowledge of the letters
In the spirit be conceived.
5.Just to touch the Word for knowledge
Is to take the very way
By which Eve was lured by Satan
And by knowledge led astray;
But as life to take the Scripture
Is the tree of life to eat;
Thus the Word we must be taking
In the spirit as our meat.