THE LORD'S DAY £­ Best of the week

1.Passing through another week,
God has granted us His aid;
Let us now a blessing seek,
On the day the Lord hath made;
Day of all the week the best,
Emblem of eternal rest.
2.While we pray for pard'ning grace,
Through the dear Redeemer's name,
Show Thy reconcilŠd face;
Take away our sin and shame:
>From our worldly cares set free,
May we rest this day in Thee.
3.Here we come Thy name to praise,
Let us feel Thy presence near;
May Thy glory meet our eyes,
While we in Thy house appear:
Here afford us, Lord, a taste
Of our everlasting feast.
4.May Thy gospel's joyful sound
Conquer sinners, comfort saints;
Make the fruits of grace abound,
Bring relief for all complaints:
Thus may all our Lord's Days prove,
Till we meet the Lord above.
(Repeat the last two lines of each stanza)