30 |
| 1 | What love Thou hast bestowed on us, |
| | We thank Thee from our heart; |
| | Our Father, we would worship Thee |
| | And praise for all Thou art. |
| 2. | Thy heart Thou hast revealed to us, |
| | Made known th' eternal will; |
| | Within the Son Thou hast come forth, |
| | Thy purpose to fulfill. |
| 3. | Thou gavest Thy beloved Son |
| | In love to come and die, |
| | That we may be Thy many sons, |
| | As heirs with Him, made nigh. |
| 4. | Through Him we have Thy very life |
| | And Thou our Father art; |
| | Thy very nature, all Thyself, |
| | Thou dost to us impart. |
| 5. | Thy Spirit into ours has come |
| | That we may "Abba" cry; |
| | Of Spirit born, with Spirit sealed, |
| | To be transformed thereby. |
| 6. | The many sons to glory brought |
| | Is Thine eternal goal, |
| | And to Thy Son's own image wrought, |
| | Thou wilt conform the whole. |
| 7. | Throughout Thy transformation work |
| | Thou dost direct each one, |
| | >From glory unto glory bring |
| | Until the work is done. |
| 8. | What love Thou, Father, hast bestowed; |
| | We'll ever grateful be; |
| | We'll worship Thee forevermore |
| | And praise unceasingly. |