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WORSHIP OF THE FATHER £ His Praise from Many Sons
| 1. | O God our Father, we would come to Thee |
| | In virtue of our Savior's precious blood; |
| | All distance gone, our souls by grace set free, |
| | We worship Thee, our Father and our God. |
| 2. | We would, O God, present before Thy face |
| | The fragrant name of Thy beloved Son; |
| | By faith we view Him through Thy boundless |
| | grace, |
| | Which, by His dying, He for us has won. |
| 3. | Thv joy in Him who is with Thee we share; |
| | Our hearts delight in Thy delight in Him; |
| | Chiefest of thousands, fairer than the fair; |
| | His glory nought can tarnish, nought can dim. |
| 4. | We bow in worship now before Thy throne, |
| | By faith the Object of Thy love would see; |
| | Who, in the midst, His brethren's song doth |
| | lead. |
| | To Him, our Savior, shall the glory be! |