43 |
| 1. | "Abba, Father," we approach Thee |
| | In our Savior's precious name. |
| | We, Thy children, here assembling, |
| | Now the promised blessing claim. |
| | >From our guilt His blood has washed us, |
| | 'Tis through Him our souls draw nigh, |
| | And Thy Spirit too has taught us |
| | "Abba, Father," thus to cry. |
| 2. | Once as prodigals we wandered, |
| | In our folly, far from Thee; |
| | But Thy grace, o'er sin abounding, |
| | Rescued us from misery. |
| | Clothed in garments of salvation |
| | At Thy table is our place; |
| | We rejoice, and Thou rejoicest, |
| | In the riches of Thy grace. |
| 3. | Thou the prodigal hast pardoned, |
| | "Kissed us" with a Father's love; |
| | "Killed the fatted calf," and made us |
| | Fit Thy purpose to approve |
| | "It is meet," we hear Thee saying, |
| | "We should merry be and glad; |
| | I have found My once-lost children, |
| | Now they live who once were dead." |
| 4. | "Abba, Father," we adore Thee, |
| | While the hosts in heaven above |
| | E'en in us now learn the wonders |
| | Of Thy wisdom, grace, and love. |
| | Soon before Thy throne assembled, |
| | All Thy children shall proclaim |
| | Abba's love shown in redemption, |
| | And how full is Abba's name! |