1.O God in Christ all focused is
Thy wisdom with Thy grace;
As wisdom Thou mad'st Him to us,
In Him Thy way we trace.
2.What Thou has planned is all in Him,
Thy way of grace is He;
In Him, Thy Wisdom, we have all,
That glory be to Thee.
3.In Him, who is our righteousness,
Have we been justified;
In Him, who is our holiness,
We're being sanctified.
4.Redemption too He is to us,
According to Thy plan,
That we may fully be redeemed
To be a perfect man.
5.He is Thy wisdom, Father God,
In Thine economy;
For Him we offer praise to Thee
With all humility.
6.Thy wisdom we have seen in Him,
So rich and so profound;
Yet richer, deeper, in Thy way,
By us will it be found.