CONSECRATION £­ Christ as Our Burnt Offering

1.Lord, Thou art our consecration,
Thou the consecrated One;
Thou has satisfied the Father-
Consecration thus was done.
When on earth Thou hadst no pleasure,
Save to do the Father's will;
Now Thou livest here within us,
Consecration to fulfill.
2.Lord, we praise Thee for the picture:
Consecration's ram we see,
Burnt for God's full satisfaction,
Eaten and enjoyed to be.
Thou art now our ram, Lord Jesus,
Offered for the will of God;
By Thy consecration, faultless,
We may walk where Thou hast trod.
3.As we Thyself, Lord Jesus,
Consecrated we become;
By Thy wondrous life within us,
Thy obedience is our own.
No more need we strive and struggle,
Consecrated try to be;
Consecration dwells within us-
Now our part to eat of Thee.
4.Lord, we praise Thee, consecration
Is nought else but Thee as food:
As we eat Thee and enjoy Thee,
We are all made one with God;
One in will and one in purpose
We become by eating Thee:
As we take and eat Thyself, Lord,
Consecrated we will be.