ENCOURAGEMENT £­ For Pressing On

Philippians 3:10-14
1.Press on, press on toward the goal-
The all-inclusive Christ.
To gain the prize of God's high call,
Press on, press on to Christ!
Pressing on! Pressing on!
Pressing on! Hallelujah for the prize
We're pressing on! On and on!
To gain the Christ of God!
2.Press on, press on, count all things loss,
All that is gain to us,
To win the prize, the Christ of God.
Is far more glorious!
3.Press on press on to know the Lord
And resurrection power-
Oh, this is our supreme reward,
E'en in the suffering hour!
4.Press on, press on, this one thing do,
Forget the things behind;
Press onward to the Christ before,
Press onward with this mind!