1158 |
| 1. | Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, |
| | Thou hast won each love from me; |
| | Who like Thee-so fair and comely? |
| | Who like Thee-so sweet and lovely? |
| | Matchless One, unrivaled beauty, |
| | None can e'er compete with Thee! |
| 2. | Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, |
| | Gladly will I hear Thy call; |
| | Since Thy voice my heart hath entered, |
| | I from all things could but sever; |
| | Void are all my other seekings, |
| | Every pride hath disappeared. |
| 3. | Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, |
| | How can I still stubborn be? |
| | At Thy feet cast all my hard'nings, |
| | And return with songs and singings; |
| | 'Tis my love to be Thy bondslave, |
| | 'Tis my joy to Thee obey. |
| 4. | Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, |
| | Thy way only will I choose; |
| | Though in tears while I'm obeying, |
| | Yet I would not change my standing; |
| | All I long for is Thy pleasure, |
| | And the peach Thy love would bring. |
| 5. | Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, |
| | When Thy presence does depart, |
| | Seems the dawn has lost its trace, |
| | Hidden are my smiling faces; |
| | All I yearn for is Thy coming |
| | And Thy presence' sweet embrace. |
| 6. | Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, |
| | Can I tell it all to Thee? |
| | Thou my love and satisfaction, |
| | Thou my everlasting portion; |
| | Thou art all that I desire, |
| | Nothing else I would pursue. |
| 7. | Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, |
| | All I have I give to Thee; |
| | Who like Thee-so sweet and comely? |
| | Who like Thee-so sweet and lovely? |
| | Matchless One, unrivaled beauty, |
| | None can e'er compete with Thee! |