Genesis 1
1.Chapter one of Genesis:
Life is God's one emphasis,
Showing Christ subjectively,
Step by step He grows in me.
2.Just as earth became a waste,
Death and darkness once I faced.
God had judged, no light did shine;
Hollowness and void were mine.
3.Satan's fall had filled the seas
With corruption, sin, disease.
Yet the Spirit brooded o'er
The abyss: chaos no more!
4.God then spoke: the air was cleared!
Darkness which I once had feared
Was dispelled by God's own light.
A new day! No longer night!
5.As the light began to shine
His discernment became mine.
I began to see aright;
God divided dark from light.
6.Then the waters He did split;
An expanse between them fit,
Earthly things from heavenly,
Separated hence they'd be.
7.One the third day God designed
That the waters be confined.
In our lives dry land must be;
No more death and no more sea!
8.God commands: death's water halt!
Christ, the good land, we exalt!
Separated from all strife
We enjoy Christ as our life.
9.Growing in us inwardly;
Grass, then herb, then fruitful tree.
We begin as but a blade;
Soon our being He'll pervade.
10.Then the fourth day lights He set;
Bearers these, more definite.
Richer light to radiate,
Higher life to generate.
11.Sun, the greater light we see
Ruling day triumphantly;
Yet when darkness fills the skies,
Waxing moon is on the rise!
12.'Tis the Church she typifies;
For her light on Christ relies.
In His image meant to be,
She reflects Christ perfectly.
13.Lastly, precious stars He placed,
Strong in spirit, full of grace;
Shining when the moon seems faint,
These are overcoming saints.
14.What a glorious picture here:
Sun and moon and stars appear!
Lord, our prayer is that we'd be
Full of light and life in Thee.