EXPERIENCE OF GOD £­ His Dispensation

1.A mighty flowing-out is God,
He flows throughout the ages.
And so to flow Himself to man
He is in many stages;
Yet still one God is He,
One flow eternally;
His stages pave the way
To flow through man today,
And now He flows within us!
2.In the beginning we can see,
God as a flowing river,
The river to convey the tree,
Himself as life deliver.
And at the end the same,
The river doth remain,
God in the Lamb doth flow,
The tree prevails to grow,
And God flows on forever.
3.God flowed Himself into a man,
The man we call Christ Jesus.
He gave up His own life for man
And God's own life releases.
Though Satan did his best
To put God's flow to rest-
He had Him crucified
And cruelly pierced His side-
But out came blood and water!
4.The blood and water flowed from Him,
In streams of pure salvation.
The blood brings cleansing from all sin;
Water, regeneration.
And now the Spirit flows,
Brings God where'er He goes.
All he could do, the foe,
Was just release the flow.
And God just keeps on flowing.