1203 |
EXPERIENCE OF GOD £ His Righteousness Holiness and Glory
| 1. | God is righteous in His doings, |
| | He is perfect in His ways; |
| | Just is He in all His actions, |
| | And He well deserves our praise. |
| | Righteous was His condemnation, |
| | Righteous His requirement; |
| | For the law had deemed us sinners, |
| | And for judgment we were meant. |
| 2. | Oh, how blest the love that spared us, |
| | For the law had judged us dead. |
| | God, to meet the righteous judgment, |
| | Passed it on His Son instead. |
| | Hallelujah! Our Redeemer, |
| | Christ, to God has purchased us: |
| | Now enjoying His redemption, |
| | We become God's righteousness. |
| 3. | God is holy in His nature, |
| | Holiness is what He is. |
| | In this way He sanctified us, |
| | Makes our nature one with His. |
| | Spreading from our quickened spirit, |
| | He renews our inward part, |
| | Moving into all our being, |
| | Making home in all our heart. |
| 4. | Oh, how blessed is this process! |
| | It's the Lord's life-saving way. |
| | It's our constant, real experience; |
| | It's our life from day to day. |
| | As we're minding just the spirit, |
| | Then the mind is life to us, |
| | And the Lord in us is gaining |
| | Transformation marvelous! |
| 5. | Glory is God's true expression, |
| | All He is, in full, expressed; |
| | Final stage of our redemption, |
| | Bodily made manifest. |
| | Glory is the consummation |
| | Of this life which sanctifies; |
| | Our complete transfiguration |
| | Is the goal which life supplies. |
| 6. | 'Tis for this we wait, expecting |
| | To be raptured, glorified. |
| | Then the earth will see God's fullness; |
| | Christ completely testified. |
| | We fore'er will just express Him, |
| | Nature will rejoice to see |
| | All the sons of God in glory |
| | Manifested finally. |
| 7. | By His mercy, we're selected, |
| | Ours a glorious destiny. |
| | Not by running, nor by willing, |
| | But through God's own sovereignty. |
| | Once we were wild olive branches, |
| | Now the root and fat partake, |
| | Grafted in, rejoice together, |
| | Growing for the kingdom's sake. |
| 8. | As we're daily in this process |
| | And by life are sanctified, |
| | How we thank Him for the blessing |
| | Of the church life He's supplied. |
| | Here God is our full enjoyment, |
| | Practical and real to us; |
| | Sons we are, and heirs together, |
| | In the church life, glorious! |