FULNESS OF THE SPIRIT £­ The Anointing Sealing and Pledging

1.Praise the Lord, who firmly joined us
Unto the Anointed One.
Thus we all have been anointed
With th' anointing of the Son.
2.Now in Christ, in the anointing,
We are the anointed ones.
Oh, how blessed is this ointment
Poured upon the many sons!
3.Hallelujah, the anointing
Unto us God's essence brings;
It is now abiding in us,
And it teaches us all things.
4.We're the Lord's peculiar treasure,
Purchased by His precious blood.
He has put His seal upon us,
We are those marked out by God.
5.Day by day we're under sealing,
That we may His likeness share.
By the impress of His Person
We ill Jesus' image bear.
6.Now we have the pledge, the foretaste,
Of the Christ we soon will see.
We are longing for the full taste-
God, our feast eternally.
7.God has wrought us for this purpose,
Giving us the earnest here,
Guarantee of full enjoyment
Of our Lord Himself, so dear.
8.The anointing, seal, and earnest-
In our spirit are all three.
Such a wondrous, blest deposit
God has given you and me.