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HOPE OF GLORY £ The Wedding Day
| 1. | When our Lord comes in glory and we're |
| | raptured to His side, |
| | When that bright and glorious moment we |
| | shall see, |
| | We shall know our Bridegroom as He comes |
| | to take His Bride, |
| | And He'll know the Bride He's loved so |
| | tenderly. |
| | We shall know Him! We shall know Him! |
| | When we see Him, our Bridegroom |
| | glorified! |
| | He shall know us! He shall know us! |
| | We're His church, His beloved, and His |
| | Bride! |
| 2. | Even now in the Spirit He reveals Himself to |
| | us, |
| | And His Person dear we've learned to |
| | recognize. |
| | But our eyes shall behold Him-O what |
| | rapture glorious |
| | When we gaze on Him unveiled in the skies! |
| 3. | In the Word we have seen Him shining forth in |
| | truth and grace, |
| | O how blessed to behold His features thus! |
| | But the day soon is coming when we'll see |
| | Him face to face, |
| | He, the living Word, in full revealed to us. |
| 4. | In the brothers and sisters, O how blest to see |
| | the Lord, |
| | In their attitudes and actions Christ expressed! |
| | But the day soon is coming when in rapturous |
| | accord |
| | We shall see His Person fully manifest. |
| 5. | In the meetings of the churches He's unveiled |
| | increasingly- |
| | O the joy unspeakable and glory too! |
| | As the meetings grow higher we're expecting |
| | soon to see |
| | The full glory of our Lord come into view. |