LONGINGS £­ For Sanctification

1.Oh, Lord grant us revelation,
Grant us light and sight to see
That as life, within our spirit,
Thou art our reality;
Ant that from within our spirit,
Now You must possess each part
Spreading out to all our being,
Making home in all our heart.
2.It is not the outward action-
Pure behavior, conduct good,
Proper poise and perfect manners,
Doing what we think we should;
But it's Christ, a living Person,
Mingled thus with us within,
Spreading into all our being,
So that we might live by Him.
3.Oh, Lord, let our every action,
Everything we do and say,
Come from Thee alone, experienced
In a real and inner way.
We reject the empty teachings,
Leave the methods and the strife.
Let our only way of living
Be the overflow of life!
4.Following the inner feeling,
Living in the overflow,
Moving in the rich anointing,
Not by what we think or know,
Nothing through intent or motive,
Or with purpose duly done,
But just following this feeling,
Living by the living One!
5.Thus we're sanctified completely,
Saturated thoroughly;
Not the old religious concept:
Separated doctrinally.
But 'tis Christ Himself within us,
Added to our every part,
All supplying, satisfying,
Making home in all our heart.