PRAISE OF THE LORD £­ Remembrance of Him

1.We're gathered here, O Lord, as Thy one
Though we be many, yet we all are one.
We share Thy life and own that we are
And thus within, in life we all are one.
There is one Body in this universe,
And we express it here on earth;
We stand as one in each locality
For all to see, for all to see.
2.There is one loaf, the symbol of Thy body:
'Twas broken so that all the saints may
We eat this bread and, as we are partaking,
Our actual oneness with all saints declare.
3.One bread, one cup are now upon the table,
Showing that we can be naught else but one.
Christ has redeemed us, made us His own
What can we say but, "Amen, Lord, we're
4.We stand as one, and cannot be divided,
Because our oneness is of Christ alone.
We eat as one: one loaf, one cup partaking,
And thus our oneness visibly is shown.
5.Oh, what a joy to have this blessed oneness!
We sense that Thou, O Lord, art satisfied;
And we too share this blissful satisfaction-
Sweet foretaste of the Bridegroom with His