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PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL гн The Fellowship of the Gospel
| | Philippians 1 |
| 1. | Ours is a fellowship in the gospel |
| | Since we received the Lord; |
| | We're for the furtherance of the gospel, |
| | Spreading to all His Word. |
| | For its defense and strong confirmation |
| | We all partake of grace- |
| | He who began this work will perfect it |
| | Till we shall see His face. |
| 2. | May all the things that come to us daily |
| | Unto the gospel turn, |
| | That all may see we're bound for the gospel |
| | And of the Lord may learn. |
| | May we be bold and fearless in spirit, |
| | Speaking the Word of God, |
| | Do it in love and do it in power, |
| | While living in the Lord. |
| 3. | Lord, we're expecting that we'll be given |
| | Boldness with every breath. |
| | Christ must be magnified in our body |
| | Whether by life or death. |
| | We hope in nothing to be ashamed, |
| | For us to live is Christ- |
| | He is the Person in all our living, |
| | Our everything, our life. |
| 4. | May all our lives be worthy the gospel |
| | Whatever may betide, |
| | All standing fast in oneness of spirit, |
| | All striving side by side. |
| | Let us proclaim the gospel in fullness |
| | To satisfy the Lord: |
| | Christ is the life, the church His expression, |
| | Sound everywhere abroad. |