SPIRITUAL WARFARE £­ Guarding the Deposit

1.The faith which once for all was giv'n
Unto the saints of old,
Has been committed unto us
To guard, defend, and hold.
And we know whom we have believŠd
And are persuaded that He is able
To guard, through the Holy Spirit,
Our deposit to that day.
2.This good deposit is the mark
Of God's economy,
Without it we will miss the aim
Of His recovery.
3.The myst'ry of the common faith,
A conscience pure requires;
A holy, separated life
For us the Lord desires.
4.This outline of the healthy words,
In faith and love we'll hold;
All different teaching, fruitless talk,
Reject with spirit bold.
5.Oh, healthful teaching, wholesome words:
The truth of godliness!
Oh, good deposit, common faith,
And life of holiness!
6.Lord, make us now those faithful men
Who pass on what we've heard;
Make us examples of the saints
In spirit, faith, and word.