SPIRITUAL WARFARE £­ Taking the Land

1.The Lord has shown the way
Within the church today-
It's laboring, laboring, laboring on Christ.
Christ is the Canaan land;
In Him we boldly stand,
While laboring, laboring, laboring on Christ.
On to victory! On to victory!
Cries our great Commander-On!
We'll move at His command
And now possess the land
Through, laboring, laboring, laboring on
2.The way that God has planned
To labor on the land
Is "Amen, Lord! Amen, Lord! Amen to Your
Whene'er He speaks today,
Whatever He may say,
It's "Amen, Lord! Amen, Lord! Amen to Your
On to victory! On to victory!
Cries our great Commander-On!
We'll move at His command
And now possess the land
By "Amen, Lord! Amen, Lord! Amen to
Your Word!"
3.The Lord has also shown
The land we'll fully own
By following, following, following the church.
Where'er the Body goes,
Howe'er the Spirit flows,
It's following, following, following the church.
On to victory! On to victory!
Cries our great Commander-On!
We'll move at His command
And now possess the land
By following, following, following the