THE CHURCH £­ Her Migrations

1.We are for the great migration,
And, O Lord, we seek Thy face.
Who? and when? and where? Lord Jesus,
Grant us now Thy blessed grace.
2.This is for Thy house and city,
This is for Thy kingdom, Lord;
To subdue the earth before us
We are all in one accord.
3.Of the Father, through Christ Jesus,
By the Spirit's flowing free;
In our spirit, on the church-ground-
This the way of victory.
4.Burden us with Thy great plan, Lord;
Consecrated we would be.
To fulfill Thy holy purpose
Saturate us thoroughly.
5.Build, O build us all together,
Let us here our lessons learn,
Send us forth to many cities
For the church-life there to burn.
6.Many places need a beachhead
To bring in Thy reign and rule.
Lord, build up the local churches
That Thy kingdom come in full!
7.Then the earth will give Thee glory
And the devil get the shame.
For Thy kingdom's rule and reigning
All will praise Thy glorious name.
8.Blessed days are quickly coming;
We rejoice and give Thee praise
For the glorious consummation
And Thy royal ruling days.
9.Hallelujah to the Father,
Hallelujah to the Son,
Hallelujah to the Spirit-
Hallelujah it is done!
10Hallelujah for the churches,
Hallelujah for the saints,
Hallelujah for the meetings
And their holy, sweet constraints!
11.Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Hallelujah we will sing;
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Hallelujah to our King!