THE KINGDOM £­ Its Course

1.The universe of God consists
Of heaven, earth and air.
The enemy of God resist
His purpose everywhere.
At first the mighty rebel one
The earth from God obtained;
Then from the Lord the air had won,
Establishing his reign.
2.So God's intention was to gain
His kingdom on the earth,
The place where He could fully reign
And show to all His worth.
Thus He began in Genesis
To forward His great plan.
Out of this darkened, lost abyss
Our God created man.
3.But Satan cause the man to fall
>From God's eternal grace.
Then Abraham received the call
To head the chosen race.
The Jews were led from Pharaoh's hand
Through sea and wilderness
Into the promised Canaan land,
God's kingdom to express.
4.The Israelites refused God's reign,
Desired and earthly king;
The kingdom then was lost again
Till David was to bring
God's kingdom back to earth once more
For God to rule through him;
But Israel failed as once before
God's kingdom to bring in.
5.Such was the situation when
Our God became a man,
Declaring to all men, "Repent!
The kingdom is at hand."
A perfect model of God's rule,
The King, full qualified!
But Satan as a desperate fool
Had Jesus crucified.
6.This Jesus went into the grave
And death He overcame.
Now resurrected He will save
The earth from Satan's reign.
He as the Spirit enters man
To fill him with His life.
These men, the church, fulfill His plan
To save the earth from strife.
7.Now on the earth the church we see,
God's kingdom here expressed,
Where He has full authority
His rule to manifest.
The place where Satan has to flee
Our mighty conquering rod,
The kingdom through the church will be
Brought to the earth for God.